Ludgershall Town Council News

Ludgershall Memorial Hall AGM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Annual General Meeting of  Ludgershall Memorial Hall will be held at the Ludgershall Memorial Hall, Andover Road, Ludgershall SP11 9LZ at 7.00pm on Monday 21st October 2024 to transact the following business Agenda Current elected Committee Members/Trustees retire Minutes of the meeting held on…

Pumpkin Carving Competition

Halloween Colouring In Competition

Public Meeting for Residents Of Ludgershall

Save The Date – Party in the park, in celebration of 80th D-day 8th June

Save the date – 80th D-Day Lighting of the beacon 6th June 2024

Easter Party

Ludgershall Town Council Values Your Opinion

Who is responsible for what? Wiltshire Council is responsible for your county-wide services such as highways, street lights, schools, social care, bin collections and housing. Ludgershall Town Council provides your local services (unique to the parish of Ludgershall and Faberstown). Our services for our residents, and for visitors to our…

Bins on The Rec

Polite Notice – It has been brought to our attention that household rubbish is being discarded into our public bins around Ludgershall. Items such as electrical appliances & clothes etc are NOT permitted and will be treated as fly tipping, subsequently leading to prosecution by Wiltshire Council. Please see below opening…

Road Carriageway Works – Biddesden Lane & Hatchet Hill, Ludgershall

As consultant representative for Wiltshire Council, I write to inform you of carriageway repair works programmed on Biddesden Lane to Hatchet Hill, Ludgershall. The site extents can be viewed on the attached drawing. The initial dates for this scheme have changed due to programme slippage and change in weather conditions. These…